Planebender Products
Let's Go Flyin'

ProFlow 3-D Canisters and Pipes

Pro-Flow 3D canisters come in two sizes and each canister is sold separately. Pro-Flow 3D canister mounts come in two sizes for both single and double applications. All our products are made right here in the USA with the finest American Spec Tubing and materials available. Each component is hand made and throughly inspected to provide you with the finest quality possible. Every canister and canister mount comes with a One Year Non-Transferrable Warranty against any manufacture defects.
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Welcome- From Dave

From the very first time I flew using Canister exhaust I liked the quiet sound, it reminded me of my race car engines. The only problem was the severe "hesitation and load up" I experienced during the low to high transition. All of the canister systems I tried were not 3D friendly- the mid range throttle control forced continual "jockeying" of the stick to achieve the result of an "electric transition feel." With today's cost of Giant Scale Aerobatic Planes you need to have the ultimate confidence in your power source- particularly when you are hovering 6" off the ground.

That’s when I decided to design and develop canisters that would be user friendly for my flying style. It took me one year of testing prototypes to finally arrive at our finished product. And I have to say I am very proud of how they perform!! I let a few friends that fly severe cold and scorching hot weather try the cans out and they were very pleased in the instant difference in throttle transition they felt. So after giving it some thought and taking the advice of my close friends in the RC community I decided to manufacture the “PRO FLOW 3-D CANISTERS”

Pro-Flow users are instantly amazed at how smooth their motor runs and just how "linear" the throttle control feels……………and as a bonus the plane sounds cooler too. The additional level of precision, by providing positive throttle control, has aided many IMAC Pilots to achieve higher scores AND reduce noise foot print. Available to suit most all gas engines up to 222cc

Dave "Planebender" Sullivan


Most of us hard core "RC'ers" have used the same reliable engines for years. And although this has served us well.......there IS always a better way. As avid RC'ers we are always looking for more power, stedfast reliability, outstanding service and the best warranty available. Well gentlemen, I have found it and after months of testing.....I am NOW introducing an alternative engine that will cause all of us to "take notice."
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Try Pro-Flow Today…………You Won't Believe The Difference!!